Jennifer has been a practitioner of Chinese medicine for almost 7 years. She graduated from The New England School of Acupuncture in Boston, Massachusetts with a Masters in both Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine. She has a bachelor of Arts from Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York. Since graduating, Jennifer has been on a life long learning mission in pursuit of becoming a skilled practitioner and scholar of the medicine. She continues studying medicine both in China and at home with high quality teachers and scholars such as Sharon Weizenbaum, Nigel Dawes, Heiner Fruehauf, Dr. Liu Lihong, and Dr. Huang Huang. She practices both Japanese and Chinese acupuncture, as well as administers Chinese herbs.
Specializing in Family Medicine, Jennifer’s main interests and skills include Women’s Health and Pediatrics. Jennifer has worked with many women who wish to get pregnant, and continues with many to ensure a healthy and easy pregnancy. Treating children has come naturally as she has become a mother herself!
Jennifer teaches Chinese Medicine in the Shiatsu Program at the Karuna Center for Yoga and Healing Arts in Northampton. She has taken a doula certification course through ALACE as well as an Iyengar based yoga teacher training with Eileen Muir. All of these educational accomplishments inform Jennifer’s Chinese medical services.
Jennifer lives in Western Massachusetts with her husband, two young boys, and dog Mica.
See Jennifer demonstrating acupuncture on!- See Video